
US Consul in Florence visits Livorno PNA

by Port News Editorial Staff

The new US Consul General in Florence, Daniela Ballard, was welcomed this morning at Palazzo Rosciano, the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority’s historical headquarters.

Daniela Ballard was met by President Luciano Guerrieri, Managing Director Matteo Paroli and Senior Promotion Executive Claudio Capuano.

During the meeting, the PNA’s top management illustrated the investment plan for developing the Network ports, focusing, in particular, on the Darsena Europa infrastructure, Livorno and Piombino ports’ rail network enhancement project, and the energy sustainability initiatives  in the Network’s Energy Planning Document.

The discussion also addressed key issues such as the cybersecurity strategies implemented by the PNA to face the challenges of a highly digitalized future and the Authority’s  initiatives to develop cruise traffic in its Network ports.

The meeting ended with the customary exchange of gifts followed by a tour of the port.

Translation by Giles Foster