
PNA inaugurates its new Livorno offices

by Port News Editorial Staff

This afternoon the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority inaugurated its new office facility at Livorno’s Cruise Terminal. The ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on the sidelines of the event presenting two historical volumes dedicated to Livorno port’s renowned Grain Silo, compiled by the Associazione Livornese Storia Lettere e Arti and presented as part of a series of initiatives jointly organized by the Port Network Authority (PNA), the Chamber of Commerce and Porto Immobiliare to celebrate the 100th birthday of the building that is considered the port’s quintessential symbol.

The Authority’s new facility responds to need for additional office space as a result of recent HR recruitment.

‘Over the last few years, our Port Network Authority has diversified and further specialized its competencies in order to respond to the challenges posed by digitalization and environmental sustainability,’ said PNA president, Luciano Guerrieri.

“At our new offices at the Cruise Terminal we already have a number of professionals with many different highly specialized skills, ranging from IT to digital transition, promotion to development & innovation,” he added.

“We are proud to be able to count on a team of experts dedicated to issues that are increasingly crucial for our national ports, which nowadays  are considered not only as simple hubs for the transport of goods and people, but as driving forces for  sustainable growth and energy hubs. In short, our ports have evolved and so have  Port Authorities.  The inauguration of our new offices today is a fitting reflection of this.”

Translation by Giles Foster