
AR arrives at the port of Livorno

by Port News Editorial Staff

Augmented Reality (AR) has arrived at the port of Livorno and promises to revolutionize port work, increasing operational efficiency and reducing the risk of accidents.

As European NextTrain.Ports project leader, the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority is currently developing a pioneering project involving the implementation of XR (Extended Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) technology for port training.

The project is being carried out in collaboration with Brochesia, a leading technology company. It involves equipping dockers with smart glasses which will enable them to create virtual environments for simulating work scenarios related to terminal safety procedures, reefer container maintenance and the management of passengers embarking on/disembarking from ferries or cruise ships. The B-STEP software that permits this has been designed by Brochesia.

The ultimate goal of the whole project is to envisage the possibility, in the near future, of remotely supporting port workers in their daily activities using state-of-the- art visors (Navigator500 real wear). This could be particularly useful for solving technical problems, making diagnoses or monitoring critical activities.

In a recent article, Brochesia claims “the success of NeXTraIn.PortS could represent a model which could be replicated in other industrial sectors too,” It cites Livorno PNA for the results which have so far been achieved in a project involving, among others, Fundaciòn Valènciaport, the Port of Rotterdam ‘s STC-GROUP, Venice’s Centro di Formazione Logistica Intermodale (CFLI), the University of Piraeus, START 4.0 Centro di Competenza del MISE and PLIS – Provincia Livorno Sviluppo.

“The North Tyrrhenian PNA’s Vocational Training Centre, which has been promoting port sector training initiatives since 1998, plays a key role in the project,” says the company, stressing that the Centre excels in the quality and innovativeness of its training proposals.

“We are very proud to have been referred to as a model to be followed by such an important company like Brochesia,’ says Port Network Authority President Luciano Guerrieri. “Augmented Reality in ports is destined to become fundamental for facing the challenges the sector holds for the future. With the NeXTraIn.PortS project we are taking a decisive step forward towards training programs that raise the sector’s levels of competitiveness and improve safety standards at the same time.”

Translation by Giles Foster