A global sustainability centre - PortNews
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Initiative by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore

A global sustainability centre

by Port News Editorial Staff

The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonization (GCMD) has been launched in Singapore. The initiative, supported by the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) and six other founding partners (BHP, BW Group, Eastern Pacific Shipping, Foundation Det Norske Veritas, Ocean Network Express and Sembcorp Marine), aims to facilitate the energy transition of the shipping industry by defining tailor-made solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing suitable routes to decarbonization.

The GCMD will be allocated 120 million dollars in funding. In charge of the centre as CEO will be Lynn Loo, currently director of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University. Andreas Sohmen-Pao, the head of BW Group and the Singapore Maritime Foundation, will be appointed chairman of GCMD’s board of directors.

Lynn Loo said she was honoured and excited to be leading GCMD. For her, the centre offers a tremendous opportunity to take important steps forward in the industry’s decarbonization agenda. She said that, starting in Singapore, their work would take them around the world, rigorously testing promising solutions with the simple goal of taking tangible steps to help the maritime sector navigate the energy transition.

Translation by Giles Foster

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