Presentazione del Rapporto IRPET sul crocierismo a Livorno e il suo impatto economico in Toscana. L’iniziativa è promossa da Porto di Livorno 2000 e Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale
Incontro di presentazione dello studio sugli scenari geo-strategici della portualità italiana nel quadrante Mediterraneo-Mar Nero del Mar Mediterraneo, realizzato dall’Associazione dei Porti Italiani
As the tax burden is not evenly distributed across the various transport modes, it was decided to revise the Combined Transport Directive (dating from 1992) with the Proposal for a Directive COM(2017)648.
Its approach is to overcome the current cross-border and regional dimension, expanding to a basin perspective that also includes territorial cooperation in non-European countries
The proposal sets out initiatives to reduce the administrative and procedural burdens associated with the implementation of major TEN-T investment projects, the Trans-European Transport Network
The proposed amendment to the Connecting Europe Facility Regulation 1316/2013 provides for simplification and greater flexibility with an increasing focus on the following aspects: decarbonization of transport systems, digitalization and safety
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