Box freight rates falling since July - PortNews

-4% on a weekly basis,-47.6% compared to 18th July 2024

Box freight rates falling since July

by Port News Editorial Staff

This week, freight rates in the box shipping spot market fell by a further 4%, levelling off at $3095 per 40ft container, according to Drewry.

The market analyst points out that freight rates have been dropping steadily since 18th July, when they were around $5907 per FEU.

Shanghai – Rotterdam rates were down 7%, to $3132 per FEU, while Shanghai – New York rates fell by 6%, to $5266 per FEU.

Shanghai – Genoa rates dropped by 4% to $3296 per FEU. While, on the Shanghai – Los Angeles and the Los Angeles – Shanghai routes, they fell by 3% and 1% respectively, to $4814 and $710 dollars per FEU.

A different story, on the Rotterdam – New York route. Shipping rates skyrocketed  28% this week  to $2663 per FEU. Likewise, New York – Rottedam rates were up a 4% compared to the previous week, at $761 per FEU.

Translation by Giles Foster

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