Brazil, MSC and Maersk under attack - PortNews
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Possible abuse of dominant position

Brazil, MSC and Maersk under attack

by Port News Editorial Staff

ABTP (Associação Brasileira dos Terminais Portuários) has filed a formal complaint with the Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE), an independent agency under the Ministry of Justice) against Maersk and MSC, accused of favouring, through their activities, the seven terminals they own, thus damaging the country’s 19 other independent facilities.

The Association points out that the members of the 2M alliance are responsible for 79% of the container traffic passing through Brazil, 59% of which directly and the remaining 29% indirectly through commercial agreements. Their own terminals handle 50% of the total volumes.

According to  ABTP president Jesualdo Conceição Silva, the situation is likely to get even worse as soon as the new terminal, the group’s eighth, is built in the state of Pernambuco.

Translation by Giles Foster

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