
CMA CGM revises two link services

by Port News Editorial Staff

CMA CGM is revising its Euronaf service, focusing on the western Mediterranean basin, and the TMX 2 service linking Turkey with Italy, France and Algeria.

In a press release, the carrier announced that the reshuffle was due to changes in services introduced as a result of the Red Sea crisis, which has provoked re-routing ships to the Cape of Good Hope.

Euronaf will focus on links with Algerian ports and will make calls not only at Livorno but also at the Italian ports of Genoa, Trapani, Augusta, Naples and La Spezia. Additional calls at Malta and Skikda are also planned.

The TMX2 service, which, in Italy, stops at the ports of Genoa and Salerno, will now also call  at the Algerian ports of Djen Djen and Annaba.

Translation by Giles Foster

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