Container freight rates down 1% - PortNews

Drewry analysis

Container freight rates down 1%

by Port News Editorial Staff

Drewry’s latest weekly report points out that freight rates in the spot market remained essentially stable compared to the previous week, at $3733 per forty-foot box (-1% on a weekly basis).

Drewry’s index, which analyses container freight rates on eight major routes to and from the US, Europe and Asia, remains 163% above 2019 levels ($1420) and 91% above the same week last year.

Shanghai – Genoa rates were down 1% on last week, to $5173 per FEU, while Shanghai – Rotterdam and Rotterdam – Shanghai freight rates both fell 3% to $4288 and $958 per FEU, respectively. Los Angeles – Shanghai and Shanghai – New York rates were also down, both -2% week-on-week, to $709 and $6170 per FEU.

Instead, Rotterdam – New York rates were up 10%, to $2173 per FEU, New York – Rotterdam rates also rose (+2%, to $623 per FEU). Shanghai  -Los Angeles freight rates remained stable.

Translation by Giles Foster

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