Container freight rates down 5% - PortNews

Drewry report

Container freight rates down 5%

by Port News Editorial Staff

This week, the Drewry World Container Index, which monitors container freight rates on the eight major routes to and from the US, Europe and Asia, fell 5% to $3,493/FEU.

The index is now 88% above the level of the same period in 2022 and 146% above the pre-Covid level.

Shanghai – Rotterdam Rates were down 7% to $3,944 per FEU while Shanghai-Los Angeles rates fell a further 4% compared to the previous week to  $ 4,486 per FEU.

Shanghai-Rotterdam freight rates were 7% less on the previous week i.e. $3,944 per FEU while Shanghai-Genoa tariffs  fell  by 6%, to $4,757 per FEU.

Shanghai-New York rates fell by 3%, to $5,820 per FEU. On the other hand,  Los Angeles-Shanghai and New York-Rotterdam rates were both up 2%, to $915 and $2220 per FEU respectively.

Rotterdam – Shanghai and Rotterdam – New York tariffs were up 1%, to $915 and $2220 per FEU.

Translation by Giles Foster

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