
MOU between Livorno Port Network Authority & C.O.S.C

Cyber security a top priority

by Port News Editorial Staff

This morning, Tuscany Region’s Postal & Telecommunications Police’s Cyber Security Operations Centre (C.O.S.C) and the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (M.O.U) on preventing and combating computer crimes that could be perpetrated against the information systems and technological infrastructures the Port Network Authority uses.

The protocol provides for the adoption of common intervention procedures, the timely exchange of useful information and the scheduling of training sessions, also for  prevention purposes. On the basis of this cooperation, the signatories also undertake to implement technologies to increase the levels of prevention and combat computer crimes perpetrated  against the systems managed by the port body.

The document was signed in the presence of Livorno’s Chief of Police, Roberto Massucci, who commented on the initiative as follows: ‘The commitment of the State Police, in all its various forms, is aimed at both countering and preventing crime. Over time, The Postal Police has developed excellent operational capabilities in the digital security sphere. Nevertheless, investing in the ‘human factor’ is essential. This is also crucial in the world of digital identities. It is of primary importance to focus on our digital behaviour, understand the risks and take the necessary precautions. Even more so, this commitment is crucial for our young people, so that they acquire a digital behavior culture. Careless conduct has dramatic repercussions on our daily existence that is called real life.”

According to the Port Network Authority’s managing director, Matteo Paroli, cyber security is now an indispensable part of our daily lives: “As a public administration, we consider it necessary to implement every possible way to prevent and counter cyber-crimes committed against us, i.e., against the community,” he commented, stressing how this cooperation aims to significantly strengthen the level of cyber security in the port.

The head of the C.O.S.C. ‘Toscana’, Lorena La Spina, expressed her satisfaction.  She emphasized  the added value of collaboration between institutions and the most qualified stakeholders in the regional entrepreneurial system. Thanks to such synergies “it is possible to strengthen the level of resilience in digital security, which is constantly and rapidly expanding,” she said.

Translation by Giles Foster

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