D'Amico buys Cielo di Houston back - PortNews
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$26.5m purchase option exercised

D’Amico buys Cielo di Houston back

by Port News Editorial Staff

D’Amico International Shipping has bought the Cielo di Houston back. The 74,999-tonne dwt LR1 tanker, which had been sold and then taken back by leasing it from a Japanese financial institution.

The deal, worth $26.5 million, allows the shipping company, led by Carlos Balestra di Mottola, to regain full ownership of the vessel.

“I am pleased to announce the exercise of our purchase option on the MT Cielo di Houston,” said di Mottola. “Thanks to today’s transaction, we have acquired full ownership of this modern and eco-friendly LR1 vessel, built in 2019. Additionally, we are likely to maintain this vessel debt-free initially, further reducing our financial leverage and breakeven costs. I would also like to extend my gratitude to our Japanese business partners for their continued support and cooperation, which contributed to this successful transaction.”

Translation by Giles Foster

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