Fire-fighting exercise on the Golar Tundra - PortNews

Test coordinated by the Harbour Authority

Fire-fighting exercise on the Golar Tundra

by Port News Editorial Staff

A periodic fire-fighting drill took place in the port of Piombino today. For the first time ever, it directly involved the regasification vessel the  Golar Tundra.

A fire breaking out on board the regasification vessel with one of its crewmembers being injured was successfully simulated, under the supervision of the Italian Coast Guard. With perfect response timing, the crew alerted the vessel’s  fire-fighting squad and Piombino Coast Guard Operations Room. Using the 112-emergency number, the coast guard immediately requested the intervention of the fire service and the Red Cross, as well as alerting the Police Forces.

At the same time, the port’s technical-nautical services (harbour pilots, tugs and the mooring service) were notified, the Port Network Authority was informed and the evacuation of the east pier was requested.

A press release issued by Piombino Harbour Authority stated that “with the support of coast guard patrol boat CP 2108, deployed to verify the conditions of the harbour and the possible presence of vessels or obstacles, the systems on-board the  Golar Tundra and on the quayside  were tested, as well as the fire-fighting equipment on the two harbour tugs deployed 24 hrs. a day.”

The simulation also involved a member of the crew on the Golar Tundra being injured, and verification of disembarkation procedures. The tests were carried out both at sea and ashore. At sea, using a ship-crane, a harbour tug and the coast guard patrol boat CP 2108, to transfer the casualty to Molo Magona pier and to be taken care of by Red Cross medical staff. Ashore, using a special spinal stretcher, medical personnel and the fire service’s vehicle ladder.

“The exercise was an excellent opportunity to verify the performance of the port’s fire-fighting system – consisting of equipment on-board, quayside facilities, port resources, and the equipment of the authorities in charge – and to test the timing and communication equipment of  the key players involved in this type of emergency,” the press release concludes.

Translation by Giles Foster

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