Forging training &education alliances - PortNews

7th edition of Didacta Italia

Forging training &education alliances

by Port News Editorial Staff

Last Friday, the seventh edition of DIDACTA ITALY, the most important school innovation exhibition closed its doors in Florence, Italy, with a record attendance of over 20,000 visitors this year.

As part of the initiative, the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority promoted, in cooperation with INDIRE and the National Erasmus+ Agency, the MarERASMUS panel dedicated to Blue Economy Erasmus projects and cooperation experiences between schools, institutions and industry.

During the event, INDIRE President Cristina Grieco, North Tyrrhenian PNA Training &  Promotion senior manager Claudio Capuano, and Head of Training Sonia Avanzoni illustrated the  initiatives in the 2019 forMARE Toscana MoU designed to set up a network of training alliances in Tuscany promoting and guiding Blue Economy worker training.

Particular attention was given to what the Transversal Skills and Orientation Pathway (PTCO) set up by the Port Network Authority as part of the experimental Mareport project accomplished, and by the TECLOG Higher Technical Institute, the immediately professionalizing training option focused on port logistics, the result of  a collaboration between the Isyl Foundation, the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority and the Maremma & Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce.

What  the Ports & Skills project (Erasmus+ Programme 2014-2020) achieved and the activities in progress in the NeXTraInPortS project (Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027) were also illustrated.

“These training programmes represent an opportunity both for young people who want to join  the Blue Economy sector and for those who are already working but wish to keep up with the changes dictated by new technology,” said Claudio Capuano.

The panel was attended not only by institutional representatives (the Maremma & Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce, among others, was also present) but also by workers themselves, such as Luca Ghezzani and Emiliano Bencini, from Livorno Port Company, who spoke about their participation in the Ports & Skills programme.

Secondary school students from ISS Vespucci-Colombo were also present, while middle school students from the Istituto Comprensivo Micali, with the ‘C. Nolli’ school network in Capraia and the ‘T. Tesei’ network in Livorno, participated remotely and contributed to the wide-ranging debate.

Translation by Giles Foster

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