Implementing the Delrio reform - PortNews

Minister De Micheli's policy guidelines

Implementing the Delrio reform

by Port News Editorial Staff

Fully implement the Port Network Authority reform, enhancing the role of the Authority Presidents’ Conference. This is the main objective for the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Paola De Micheli, who was audited by the Chamber’s Environment Commission VIII yesterday

Explaining the policy guidelines of her Department, De Micheli announced her intention to define a new growth strategy based on environmental, economic and social sustainability, adding that the strategic objectives up to 2030 will be defined with the General Transport and Logistics Plan, which will develop and update the needs analysis and then proceed with the planning of priority infrastructure interventions.

The Minister also announced her intention to give a strong impetus to improving the environmental sustainability of ports through specific actions such as the electrification of quays and the Green Ports Plan.

Among other things, great attention was put on logistics and rail connections, especially last mile links with ports and airports, which will be developed through an investment plan that has been increased to 15.2 billion euros.

For the Minister, it is crucially important to develop the Ten-T networks, with particular attention to projects underway along the priority guidelines for improving the national network

Finally, in the infrastructure area, De Micheli said she wanted to boost public investment, defining a new strategy involving both those managed by Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport and those implemented by public companies through program contracts. The objective is to both enhance existing infrastructure and create new sustainable infrastructure, at the forefront of technological development and innovation.


Translation by Giles Foster

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