Infrastructure & training to compete in the future - PortNews

PNA & ITAV at Verona’s LetExpo

Infrastructure & training to compete in the future

by Port News Editorial Staff

Many projects designed to enhance training opportunities and a tangible commitment to implementing logistics services.

The North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority (PNA) and Interporto Vespucci (ITAV) have showcased a series of important innovative initiatives this year at Verona’s LetExpo. First of all, the new Truck Village presented this morning as part of the exhibition organized by Alis Service.

For the Guasticce freight village company, the completion of the truck parking facility marks the crowning moment in a very satisfying start to the year. It began with the news of the completion of the trigeneration plant for its cold storage warehouses and the awarding of the contract for the construction of its new facility for frozen products.

Built with CEF-Transport funds along the FIorence-Pisa-Livorno highway, near Vespucci freight village’s west link road, its Truck Village is not a simple 200-vehicle parking facility but “the answer to the need to guarantee hauliers safety and comfort during their stay,” said ITAV CEO Raffaello Cioni.

The freight village’s top manager explained that the facility monitors the access of vehicles and people in real-time, guaranteeing the safety of trucks and their cargoes with round-the-clock CCTV surveillance with 70 telecameras and its perimeter fencing. Not only that, hauliers are offered a top-quality stopover thanks to showers, toilets, laundry services, snack dispensers and relaxation areas with free Wi-Fi. Additional services include catering and accommodation in the Freight Village Motel, refueling with petrol, LPG or LNG at the fuel station, a workshop for mechanical repairs and a certified weighing machine.

“This project’s key objective is to bring the regional area’s HGV stopovers to our reception facility,” Mr. Cioni added. He believes the Truck Village will provide the perfect conditions to allow truck drivers to respect their stopover times, while avoiding congestion on port terminal quays and haphazard parking along transit routes bordering urban centres.

The LetExpo exhibition also allowed the Port Network Authority to make contact with experts in the logistics sector and with the many technical colleges present at the fair to refine their training program in the strategic TecLOG3 project (Senior Logistics & Intermodal Technician specialized in Goods and Passenger Handling), which is now in the process of being approved by Tuscany Regional Administration.

“The project, which is designed to develop skills in the freight and passenger logistics sector, will kick off in October,” announced the port administration’s Senior Training Executive, Claudio Capuano. “This exhibition has allowed us to get a feel for just how interested stakeholders are in training solutions that aim to create real job opportunities for young and not-so-young people,” he added, recalling how TECLOG1, the first project of its kind, enabled the 27 young people selected by the PNA, and coming from various secondary education backgrounds, to have greater opportunities in the job sector.”

“Our aim is to further enhance our students‘ skills, so that they fit the needs of a world that is changing under the impetus of digital innovation and ecological transition,” Mr. Capuano concluded.

Translation by Giles Foster

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