La Chiusa boating marina takes shape - PortNews

The PNA tests partially using the infrastructure

La Chiusa boating marina takes shape

by Port News Editorial Staff

The La Chiusa boating marina project is taking shape. Last month saw the completion of the first phase of the work on the new port infrastructure being built in the heart of the ‘Site of National Interest’ in Piombino’s complex crisis area. The North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority received a formal request from the company it had entrusted with building it, to test their work in order  to be able to use part of  the potential berths envisaged once fully operational.

Pending the conclusion of the preliminary assessment initiated by the Port Network Authority (PNA), the Management Committee has, in the meantime, voted in favour of using part of the marina, subject to the outcome of the trials.

The facility cannot be completed until the PNA has built  the breakwater and the new access channel for the Cagliana river port. Once this has been done, the dredging of the western dock will be feasible, after which the additional floating docks can be installed.

“The La Chiusa boating marina represents an important opportunity to redevelop a strategic area in Piombino,” said PNA President Luciano Guerrieri. “Getting  to the point of beginning to manage the facility is a great satisfaction for us and we are happy to have contributed to the success of this ambitious project.”

Management Committee members, Maurizio Poli, Simone Verucci and Nerio Busdraghi, also expressed their satisfaction.

Translation by Giles Foster

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