© Luigi Angelica

Port Network Authority/Customs Agency collaboration

Livorno, an increasingly smart port

by Port News Editorial Staff

The Excise, Customs & Monopolies Agency (ADM) and the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority have pledged to promote active participation in a special project for digitalizing customs procedures, which is to formally kick off on 21st  November, with the launch, as part of the port digitalization programme, of the experimental phase called Port Tracking.

The system ensures the interoperability of the various stakeholders involved in the ports with the use of new technologies. This  implements the dialogue between the Customs Information System Aida (Automazione Integrata Dogane Accise- Customs & Excise Integrated Automation) and the Tuscan Port Community System, which has been operating for years in the port of Livorno.

Port Tracking enhances an already consolidated scenario by providing additional services to the Revenue officers present at the port gates, and,  enhancing the automation of customs procedures and logistics operations related to the flow of goods, thus simplifying the control activities under ADM’s responsibility.

The added value of Port Tracking is therefore to ensure that different systems all speak the same language: the goods and vehicles are in fact associated with unique identifiers that allow the flow (physical and computer-based) to be correctly traced, from the moment the container is unloaded, to its actual exit from the port terminal gate. All managed with maximum security and traceability and with a significant reduction in waiting times.

“This is a strategic service, which increases not only the competitiveness of the port but also the competitiveness of the entire logistics and transport chain, with clear benefits for everyone involved in the process of importing and exporting goods. As we wait to see the results of this project, I can only thank the Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency for their fruitful collaboration, which will allow us to make the entry and exit of goods from the port terminal gates faster and safer,” said the port authority’s managing director, Matteo Paroli.

Laura Castellani, ADM’s Director of Organisation and Digital Transformation pointed out that “Another important port is  implementing  the first module of our port digitalization programme today. This will allow us to simplify customs procedures and therefore decongest traffic inside the port. This is an important part of the digitalization process that ADM has been working on for some time with the Port Network Authority.

Translation by Giles Foster

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