© Luigi Angelica

2792 trains handled in 2024, +10,4% compared to the previous year

Livorno’s rail traffic booming

by Port News Editorial Staff

The port of Livorno is becoming increasingly eco-friendly, thanks to its rail freight sector, which registered +10.4% in 2024, with a total of 2792 trains being handled. A total of 3228 trains were handled in its port – port hinterland area, up 8.9% compared to the previous year.

Likewise, its freight car volumes were also up. 44,447 wagons transited through the port of call last year, i.e. +7.2% on 2023. A total of 51,402 wagons were handled in its port – port hinterland area, 9% more than the previous year.

A double-digit growth for its container rail freight sector, with 16.9% more trains and 10.7% more goods wagons being handled. Likewise, the percentage of containerized traffic being transported by train to and from the hinterland rose from 16.3% in 2023 to 19% in 2024. Padua, Rubiera, Marzaglia, Reggio Emilia and Bologna were the main places of origin/destinations.

Livorno’s forest products sector, which recorded an 11% year-on-year increase, and cereal traffic (28%) also performed well. On the other hand, there was a downturn in both the liquid bulk (-27.8%) and new car (-17%) rail segments, reflecting the slump in both sectors in port traffic volumes.

The key regions associated with rail traffic originating from or directed to Livorno and its hinterland continue to be Emilia Romagna (36%); Veneto (33%) and Piedmont with 12% of the total.

“Our rail freight sector’s performance is acquiring an increasingly strategic importance for our port network,” said Port Network Authority (PNA) President, Luciano Guerrieri. “The numbers show the growth process of a port, Livorno, which has managed to increase its traffic volumes with an ever-increasing focus on intermodality and environmental sustainability,” he added.

Mr. Guerrieri pointed out how 2024 had brought new traffic to the port, such as the intermodal swap body service from Vespucci freight village to the Padua one. This rail service (operated by Logtrainer) is a real novelty for Livorno. It began in May with two weekly services transporting about 25 swap bodies per train. The new link between Prato freight village and Livorno’s TDT terminal for transporting Panna mineral water in containers from Scarperia to the port of Livorno also started last year.

“The acquisition of new traffic clearly demonstrates the appeal of our Tuscan port and the work done so far. This has led us to draw up an ambitious Rail Development Policy focusing on improving the capacity of our rail terminals, favouring their progressive adaptation to international standards,” concluded President Guerrieri.

Port Network Authority Managing Director, Matteo Paroli expressed his satisfaction with the port’s performance. He spoke of the development of rail intermodality as a priority for his administration: “Our PNA is investing significant resources to upgrade our port’s railway tracks to current European standards. Our recent call for tenders for the joint allocation of both the executive project design and the reorganization and adaptation of our Livorno Porto Nuovo junction clearly demonstrates this,” he said, adding that, with the approval of the Budget Law, the Port Network Authority will be able to allocate contributions of up to €1million to operators providing port rail shunting services: “While waiting for the Infrastructure & Transport Ministry decree that will regulate this procedure, the North Tyrrhenian PNA already set aside €500,000 in the previous budget to incentivize the rail transportation mode.”

Translation by Giles Foster