MITSUI OSK Lines going for LNG - PortNews
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MITSUI OSK Lines going for LNG

by Port News Editorial Staff

MITSUI OSK Lines has reached an agreement with two national shipbuilders for four car carriers running on liquefied natural gas.

The initiative is part of the decarbonization strategy being pursued by the Japanese shipping group. The 7,000 CEU vessels will be delivered between 2024 and 2025. They will be built at Japan’s Shin Kurushima Dockyard and Nihon Shipyard.

The new agreement is an extension of a similar contract signed in August 2021 between MOL and the two shipyards for four more car carriers of the same size.

The Japanese company said the new ships will eliminate sulfur oxide emissions and reduce carbon emissions by between 25 percent and 30 percent.

Translation by Giles Foster

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