MSC group now owns 49% of Moby - PortNews
© Piergiuliano Chesi (CC BY 3.0)

MSC group now owns 49% of Moby

by Port News Editorial Staff

MSC owns 49% of Moby.  A few days ago, its Luxembourg subsidiary SaS Shipping Services Sarl became a stakeholder in Onorato’s company, It now has half of the share capital, i.e.  70.8 million euros.

The acquisition had been disclosed by Aponte’s group in March 2022, in a press release announcing that an agreement had been reached for a capital increase in Moby S.p.a. which meant its six thousand employees’ jobs were safe.

The capital increase, aimed at liquidating Tirrenia in extraordinary administration, has allowed Tirrenia to reach an agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development, which accepted to receive  a lumpsum payment of half of the EUR 180 million it was still owed for the outstanding instalments related to the deferred payment for the 2012 transfer of Compagnia Italiana di Navigazione to Moby.

Translation by Giles Foster

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