MSC's interest in Darsena Europa, Guerrieri's satisfaction - PortNews

MSC’s interest in Darsena Europa, Guerrieri’s satisfaction

by Port News Editorial Staff

“The Expression Of Interest confirms the growing appeal the port of Livorno and, in particular, the Darsena Europa project has, which is capable of attracting a new, highly-qualified consensus” said PNA President, Luciano Guerrieri commenting the written request by shipping giant MSC’s leading figure, Gianluigi Aponte, also signed by the Fratelli Neri group and Lorenzini & C., asking for detailed information on the mega infrastructure.

“We are delighted about the interest that such qualified stakeholders have shown in a project we are certain will open up new development prospects not only for the port but for the entire area. The letter also confirms the value of the work our Port Network Authority and all our commission staff have been doing, which, up to now, has been outstanding,” Mr. Guerrieri stresses, adding: “We will meet with the group over the next few days to discuss the project in detail. Needless to say, the letter we have received is prompting us to speed up the completion of the public infrastructure even more.”

The process has already been underway for some time now. Very soon there will be another important milestone: “In a few days’ time we will approve the executive project we received at the end of the year by the temporary joint venture who secured the contract. We aim to start the public works before the end of the first quarter 2025,” said President Guerrieri.

Translation by Giles Foster

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