
Eco-friendly transport

Nike & CMA CGM get eco-friendly

by Port News Editorial Staff

Nike,  a global leader in clothing & sportswear, recently signed an agreement with CMA CGM on decarbonizing its supply chain.

Until May 31st, Nike will use sustainable biofuel to transport 36% of its merchandize on the French carrier’s ships. By so doing, Nike will reduce its CO2 emissions by 25,000 tonnes, an important step towards more eco-friendly operations.

According to Olivier Nivoix, the French line’s  executive vice president, collaborating with a key player like Nike and taking that important step towards decarbonization was  a major achievement. He said that CMA CGM was confident that their success would act as a catalyst, encouraging other carriers and customers to join them on their journey to accelerate the transition to a zero-emissions industry.

Translation by Giles Foster

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