Novamont Dry on the starting line - PortNews
© Aashay Baindur (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Navigazione Montanari & Nova Marine partnership

Novamont Dry on the starting line

by Port News Editorial Staff

The Dry Bulk market is witnessing the birth of a new all-Italian shipping company, Novamont Dry. It has been set up as a result of  the partnership between Montecarlo-based Navigazione Montanari and Swiss-based Nova Marine Carriers.

The joint venture is due to  start operating in early 2023. It will be based in Monte Carlo. The two shipping companies will each have a 50% stake in the newco.

According to specialized sector magazine, the joint venture will be led by Costantino Mussi and broker Pietro Repetto, a partner with a 50% stake in Nova Marine. The Romeo and Duferco family own the other 50%.

Translation by Giles Foster

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