Philippines, a magna carta for seafarers - PortNews
© Michela Canalis

A step towards safeguarding seafarers

Philippines, a magna carta for seafarers

by Port News Editorial Staff

The Philippines has passed a bill (House Bill No. 7325) to protect the rights and interests of Filipino seafarers.

The Magna Carta for Filipino seafarers was passed by the House of Representatives with  a vote of 304 in favour and 4 against. It is designed to provide Seafarers with comprehensive protection before, during and after employment, especially in the event of maritime accidents, epidemics or pandemics, or other natural or man-made crises.

“Our seafarers are our unsung heroes,” said Parliament Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez. ” Almost 400,000 of them are on board merchant shipping vessels around the world at any given time. They are not only a source of income for the country through their remittances but also a source of pride,”

The bill covers Filipino seafarers who are employed or engaged or work in any capacity on board foreign-registered ships and Philippine-registered ships operating internationally.

Under the approved bill, Filipino seafarers have the right to a safe. secure workplace that meets safety standards, fair terms and conditions of employment, decent working and living conditions on board ship, health protection, welfare measures and medical care, and educational and training advancement.

Translation by Giles Foster

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