Seafarers are innocent victims - PortNews

Speaking at a press briefing

Seafarers are innocent victims

by Port News Editorial Staff

At a press briefing at IMO’s headquarters, the newly appointed IMO Secretary General, Arsenio Dominguez, said that the safety of seafarers was paramount, as innocent victims in the volatile situation in the Red Sea.

Mr. Dominguez noted how shipping is facing a tough battle to attract young people to an industry that is expected to offer both social and environmental value to the community.

While the recent developments in the Red Sea clearly make life on board less appealing, putting the safety of those who do their jobs every day at risk, on ships that could be hit by the Houthis, the Secretary General announced that IMO is working on an international task force to carry out a study on how to attract the next generations.

Translation by Giles Foster

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