S. African container ports going private? - PortNews
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Transnet & ICTSI agreement

S. African container ports going private?

by Port News Editorial Staff

The agreement that the state-owned Transnet finalized this morning with the private company International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI) could represent the first step towards a possible privatization of South African ports

ICTSI has been chosen as an ‘equity partner’ for the 25-year long Durban Container Terminal management lease.  DCT (pier 2) is South Africa’s largest terminal. 46% of the country’s goods transit through it.

Portia Derby, Transnet Group’s  CEO said private sector involvement in Pier 2 was a key catalyst for repositioning the Port of Durban as a container hub port and that Transnet was delighted to have a global player of ICTSI’s calibre  on board to lead this process.

The private sector will contribute to upgrading the terminal, in view of  significantly boosting  its capacity from the current 2 million TEUs  to 2.8 million  in the future.

The Terminal will be operated for 25 years by a newco led by Transnet with a 51% stake.

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