
First aid facility set up in Livorno port

Safety, teamwork’s the word

by Port News Editorial Staff

Since the beginning of the month, Livorno’s Darsena Toscana has had a first aid/emergency medical facility. It was set up by the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority under an agreement signed a few days ago with a number of associations (Livorno Public Assistance Voluntary Rescue Service, the Italian Red Cross, Livorno Misericordia ambulance service, Montenero Misericordia ambulance service, Antignano Misericordia ambulance service).

The service was presented this morning at the Port Network Authority’s headquarters at a press conference attended by the signatories of the agreement. It  is organized in such a way as to offer the possibility of timely intervention in the event of accidents and incidents within the port area and will be guaranteed every day of the week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.This is the most critical time slot, when  local urban and commercial traffic is most congested and, consequently, accessibility to the heart of the port by emergency services is most difficult.

Now a dedicated vehicle is guaranteed during this period of the day: a type A ambulance. It  has a range of equipment such as an emergency resuscitation backpack; a semi-automatic external defibrillator; dressing kits, vital sign measurement  and limb immobilization kits in the event of a fall trauma.

The memorandum of understanding stipulates that the associations signing it must provide the personnel necessary to carry out the service. An emergency service driver and an expert emergency specialist  are now present in the port, ensuring competence and professional expertise.

The Port Network Authority has provided a dedicated facility for the rescue and emergency team in the area in front of the Darsena Toscana terminal gate. It is equipped with toilets, running water, electrical and air conditioning systems.

At the opening of the press conference, Port Authority President Luciano Guerrieri emphasized the strategic importance of the facility, which has been  set up in an area far from the urban perimeter compromised by intense traffic.”This is the result of teamwork involving the Port Network Authority,  Associations and trade unions,” he said. “The spirit of cohesion that animated this community should make us proud. It is on days like these that we understand how important it is to work together in unison in the port.”

Mr. Guerrieri wished to thank all those taking part in the project, in particular  the Associations, “who took action in the interest of the community, dedicating themselves with professionalism and a spirit of self-sacrifice to a service of paramount  importance for the safeguarding health in the port.” Our gratitude also goes to the trade unions ‘who, over the last few months, never let their guard down on safety  issues, with their ever more pressing requests to the Port Authority to intervene in the matter’.

During the press conference, the Port Network Authority’s managing director, Matteo Paroli, stressed the facility was currently in an experimental phase, due to last from its inauguration at the beginning of October until the end of December:”The utility of this service is in no way being called into question,” he said, pointing out that the timeliness of emergency rescue operations is crucial, especially when operating in areas that are not always easy to reach. “At the end of the three months we will assess whether there is any room for manoeuvre to make it even more efficient and cost-effective for everyone.

The Associations wanted to thank the Port Authority and all those who had taken part in the project. “When the various stakeholders involved  manage to team up, it’s like scoring a goal,” said the president of the Livorno Voluntary Rescue Service, Marida Bolognesi, whose thanks were joined by Fabio Cecconi (for the Antignano Misericordia ambulance service); Luca Pullerà (of the Livorno Red Cross service); Sandro Frediani (Livorno Misericordia ambulance service) and Gabriele Vannucci (Montenero Misericordia ambulance service).

The trade unions (Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and Uil Trasporti) also expressed their satisfaction: “’The port finally has its own first aid facility” said Gianluca Vianello, representing the three regional area secretariats. “Despite having to deal with a number of regulatory and financial constraints, the Port Network Authority has managed to solve a problem that is very much felt in the port area. I would also like to thank the Associations because they have shouldered the burden of providing a strategic service, also incurring significant costs”.

The agreement was signed by the president of the Port Network Authority, Luciano Guerrieri; the president of the Livorno Public Assistance Voluntary Rescue Service, Marida Bolognesi; representing the  Italian Red Cross service (Livorno branch), Giacomo Artaldi; Gianluca Staderini and Elena Del Corso respectively representing the Livorno and Montenero Misericordia ambulance service; and Stefano Del Vivo on behalf of the Antignano Misericordia ambulance service.

In addition to the Port Network Authority’s top management, the Authority’s senior executive in charge of the project, Cinthia De Luca, and Livorno Port’s  Workers’ Safety Representative.

Translation by Giles Foster

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