26 October 2020 Opinions Seizing the hydrogen opportunity The current European political climate is very favourable for developing H2. Luca Franza gives his expert opinion
17 August 2020 Opinions The cost of being over eco-friendly According to Ennio Palmesino, the Italian ban on drilling is provoking unemployment and financial losses
2 March 2020 Focus Green ships, zero impact in 2030 Without suitable technological solutions, new generation units will still use traditional fuel
25 February 2020 Interviews Towards sustainable berthing The Green MEP, Jutta Paulus, calls for a 40% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030
13 January 2020 Opinions Call them, if you like, “extra services” In the era when giants like Amazon become logistics operators, terminals have to take part in the new challenges
12 September 2019 Focus A Green New Deal for port systems Carbon footprint and digitization: the green revolution promised by the Conte government starts in ports
6 August 2019 Interviews LNG? Here, it’s a thing of the past From e-mobility to digitalization: all roads lead to Oslo. Interview with the Port' CEO, Ingvar M. Mathisen