The Trump effect on US imports
According to Linerlytica, US imports will rise by 10/15% over the next 3 months as a new trade war looms
According to Linerlytica, US imports will rise by 10/15% over the next 3 months as a new trade war looms
+5.3% year-on-year in August. The 5th consecutive monthly increase according to CTS
It has launched a new service between South China and Lazaro Cardenas and Manzanillo
With the rotation: Gioia Tauro-Napoli-Livorno-Genoa-Valencia-Sines-Halifax-Montreal
The route to a 'made in Africa' continental market seems to be mapped out. Davide Magnolia: “Our country should seize this opportunity”
The Asia-US East Coast 4 & the Pacific North 3 services, suspended just before winter, have been restored
Diversions from Suez have meant longer sailing times on the east-west routes and later arrival times
Maersk is the carrier that has recorded the largest market share increase (from 11.3% to 11.7%)
Tariffs on the spot market averaged $3,493 per FEU. Index -6% on Shanghai-Genoa route