The Alliance ups trans-Pacific traffic
The Asia-US East Coast 4 & the Pacific North 3 services, suspended just before winter, have been restored
The Asia-US East Coast 4 & the Pacific North 3 services, suspended just before winter, have been restored
Diversions from Suez have meant longer sailing times on the east-west routes and later arrival times
Maersk is the carrier that has recorded the largest market share increase (from 11.3% to 11.7%)
Tariffs on the spot market averaged $3,493 per FEU. Index -6% on Shanghai-Genoa route
Its members (CMA CGM Cosco, OOCL & Evergreen) announced it yesterday afternoon
Tariffs stable at $3733 per FEU. On the Shanghai - Genoa route freight rates down 1% to $5173 per FEU
According to Drewry’s latest weekly report. Rotterdam - New York rates up 24%, at $1978 dollars per FEU
According to Sea Intelligence, hold capacity is down by just 1.4% on Asia –Med. shipping route
Ships on the N.Europe-Med & Australia link will be diverted from Suez to the Cape of Good Hope