23 July 2021 News Piombino’s Molo Batteria pier back to life Contract awarded for the second lot for the renovation of its outer wall with natural boulders
15 July 2020 Focus A closer look at the future President Stefano Corsini has offered Port Network Authority stakeholders an updated summary of the state of progress of the projects that will
11 April 2020 Interviews We’ll banish the virus with solidarity Tuscany Governor, Enrico Rossi, praises the Piombino community for its handling of the Costa Diadema emergency
23 May 2019 Espo 2019 Full speed ahead towards the new world The Italian Minister of Transport & Infrastructure, Mr Toninelli, outlines the route for the development of Italian ports
23 May 2019 Espo 2019 Call it, if you want, “interoperability” According to Commissioner Pietro Verna, North Tyrrhenian ports must integrate better with the surrounding area