The dark side of digital
The cyber security issue is becoming increasingly strategic. Cyber-attacks are kill-chain now
The cyber security issue is becoming increasingly strategic. Cyber-attacks are kill-chain now
Our ports must come up with a common digital solution. Giampaolo Botta (Spediporto) shares his standpoint
The digital age has marked a change in information flows, new business models and professions in shipping
Digitalisation is at the top of the agenda of the boards in most, if not all, large multinationals
Zeebrugge port is preparing to ride the wave of new mobile technology. Joachim Coens gives us his view
For David Russo, autonomous ships represent an important milestone but there are still many issues
Singapore's experience teaches us that ports can be an important laboratory for testing digital challenges
Automation processes are radically changing the face of ports, but even today workers' lives are still being lost
Carbon footprint and digitization: the green revolution promised by the Conte government starts in ports