The 2024 robotics festival comes to Livorno - PortNews

The 2024 robotics festival comes to Livorno

by Port News Editorial Staff

The Robotics Festival kicked off in Livorno yesterday, the dissemination event organized by the Tech Care Foundation, promoted by Tuscany Regional Council, which aims to present challenges, results and applications in the robotics and artificial intelligence fields.

“We have adhered to this initiative wholeheartedly, with a strong desire to be able to organize part of it in Livorno as well,” said the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority’s Managing Director, Matteo Paroli, at  the opening event at the Old Fortress today.

“Livorno was by no means a random choice.” he added, “The port has long been at the forefront of research experimentation activities of key importance. We tested 5G when the technology was still in its early days. It is thanks to  what we have achieved in this field that our port of call has managed to become the first testbed for developments in autonomous navigation (Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship – 5G MASS), a system that aggregates real-time information between the ship and the port’s digital environments”.

The managing director pointed out that thanks to MONI.C.A., the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority’s monitoring and control platform, Livorno port has been integrating heterogeneous data from a multiplicity of information sources for some time now, consenting high quality assessments, covering a wide variety of different areas, ranging from environmental monitoring (e.g. the first report on the Carbon Footprint) to real decision support analyses (data algorithms for Business Intelligence).

“Thanks to its port, Livorno has the potential to be one of the benchmarks for technological innovation,” Mr. Paroli concluded. “We hope that the port city will be able to host this festival on a regular basis over the next few years. This is highly important for our port of call, which honours those who make innovative experimentation their hallmark.”

Translation by Giles Foster

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