
Regional Admin. approves technical proposal. Mr. Guerrieri’s satisfaction

Tuscan SLZ. Regional Admin gives ok

by Port News Editorial Staff

The president of the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority (PNA), Luciano Guerrieri, expressed his deep satisfaction for the regional government’s approval of the technical proposal to set up a Simplified Logistics Zone (SLZ) in Tuscany.

“The technical modifications to the text approved in April 2022, as requested by the Council of Ministers, demonstrate the Regional Administration’s determination to speed up a process that had been pending for some time,” Livorno port’s leading figure pointed out.

According to Mr. Guerrieri, this is a fundamental step forward towards setting up a Simplified Logistics Zone (SLZ) in Tuscany. A result that operators, sector associations and all the institutions in the area have been striving for for some time.

“This is precisely why, together with our managing director, Matteo Paroli, we decided to organize a conference on the issue in Livorno. We received very clear commitments from  top institutional representatives to overcoming the impasse, “ the PNA president pointed out.

“I have to say that it is thanks to Confindustria Livorno-Massa Carrara, Maremma & Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce, Confetra, Assiterminal, FISE-Uniport, ANCIP and everyone involved’s spirit of collaboration, that today we are one step closer to achieving our goal. This demonstrates that we can overcome any difficulty if we work together in everyone’s best interest,” Mr. Guerrieri added.

‘At this point we hope to see the government sign the decree for setting up  the SLZ. Our decision to set up a special Management Department and SLZ Office some time ago testifies to how our PNA is in fact already fully operational and committed alongside other institutions and operators to providing solutions capable of meeting the needs of the local area.”

‘The coordinated effort to promote the establishment of an SLZ in Tuscany has already produced important, tangible results” Matteo Paroli stated. “Our goal now is to continue the activities which are already underway and  implement the appropriate measures to attract investment and businesses. As Port Network Authority we are ready and willing to help the Regional Administration and the Ministry with the next technical steps to set up the Simplified Logistics Zone.”

Translation by Giles Foster

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