US freight railroad strike put on hold - PortNews
© Luigi Angelica

Negotiations underway

US freight railroad strike put on hold

by Port News Editorial Staff

The top US railway operators have agreed to put the proposed strike on hold for at least a month, until the beginning of December, to give the parties, trade unions and employers, time to reach an overall agreement.

As is well known, in September, two of the 12 major railway unions rejected negotiations, calling for a possible strike starting on 19th November. Today, the National Carriers’ Conference Committee (NCCC) and the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division(BMWED) decided to extend the negotiation period to 4th December.

“There is now more than adequate time for the railroads to come to the bargaining table, engage in good-faith relations with us and reach a voluntary agreement to provide all railroad workers with paid sick leave,” BMWED said in a statement, adding that its proposal would cost very little.

Translation by Giles Foster

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